Our Mission

Art has a way to so uniquely bring you to the places that have defined your life, both the everyday subtlety and the grandiose 

Meet Townehouse Art Founder

Lauren Tarr

Townehouse is an art collective born of the two artistic passions of its founder, Lauren Tarr.  Lauren grew up in the shadows of the Brandywine Valley an area best known for the architectural structures that grace the area as well as the scores of artists who were inspired to paint by their beauty

Townehouse art was founded on the belief that these structures, both their exteriors and interiors, present we as artists with an almost endless supply of subject matter.  

The thing we have found is that the people that have chosen to buy and live in these homes of character have something very special in common.  There is a love and appreciation of their home as a work of artistic expression.  There is a pride and identity that comes along with it, whether that person is aware of it or not.  

Townehouse Art was created to make it possible for those that own these homes that are a work of art to turn them into a piece of fine art work worthy of display on the walls that grace their interiors.  

Not surprisingly the other key commonality within the community of these home owners is that passion that these people have for cultivating an interior design that can match their exteriors.  For the collectors that we have worked with Townehouse Art has given them a truly unique and meaningful way to meet that standard. 

For the people that own these remarkable homes and buildings we have been lucky enough to have found and cultivated a following of those that want to preserve and remember their home honoring it by representing it as a work of fine art.